Creating and Marketing Your Own Personal Brand

旅美科技协会北卡分会:高效商务培训 之 “创立和营销个人品牌”
时间: 2017年9月19日(星期二) 5:30-8:30pm
5:30-6:00 pizza and social networking
6:00-8:30 讲座研习班
地点: 2 Davis Drive, RTP, NC 27709
(Building name: First Flight Venture Center,  I-40 号高速280 出口附近)
主讲人:Melanie Diehm from top manage group
研习班内容: Creating and Marketing Your Personal Brand
Personal Branding is the process of developing a “mark” that is created around your name or your career. You use this “mark” to express and communicate your skills, personality, and values.
We all have the ability to be a brand and cultivate our power to stand out and be unique.
A strong personal brand will impact your ability to get the right jobs, promotions, and increase your ability to attract talent and capital.
So, let’s take this seminar to get these tips that can help us in creating our own personal brand.