Class-1: 中级Python课 (Intermediate Python with Fun Projects)
- 制作二维图形游戏,
- 将数据可视化,
- 人脸识别和仿SnapChat滤镜,
- 行车道路识别,
- 图形拼图辅助,
- 用AI做语音和图像识别
以上所有项目都是用不超过 200行的小程序实现的。让你亲身体会Python的强大与易用!
Class Schedule and requirements:
- Starts on 1/14/2023 Every Friday 8:00pm-9:00pm except for holidays.
- Totally 12 Online classes with live teacher in English (Using Zoom)
- For 7th grade and up
- Students should have basic Python knowledge, can understand Python syntax.
- Device Required: a computer with internet
- For more details and registration:
Class-2: Python编程入门 (Python Programming for Beginners)
本课程将在讲解Python的基本编程原理的同时,更加入了实践内容. 比如Python绘图,数据图表,人脸识别等。使同学们更好的领略Python的简单与强大,为今后进一步学习中高级Python编程打下基础。
- Class Schedule: Starts on 1/9/2023, Every Sunday 7:30pm-8:30pm. Totally 12 classes.
- Class Location: Online classes with live teacher.
- Student should have basic typing skills. No previous programming experience is required.
- Device Required: a computer with internet
- For more details and registration:
Class-3: 计算机综合技能 (Stem Combo Class)
同学们将用3个月的时间学习3D 设计软件的使用并了解3D打印的原理,学习视频拍摄的基本原则和技巧和已经使用软件做视频编辑,最后学习如何制作网站。本课程原理和实践并重,学生不仅要听课,还要完成自己的作品。
- Class Schedule: Every Sunday 7:30pm-8:50pm online. Starts on 1/9/2023. Totally 12 classes
- Class Location: Online classes with live teacher
- Student should have basic typing skills. No previous programming experience is required.
- Device Required: a computer with internet
- For more details and registration:
Class-4 电脑编程基础及电脑游戏制作 (Programming Concepts and Game Design)
以往的学生作业演示: click here to see demos
- Class Schedule: Starts on 1/14/2023, Every Friday 8:00pm – 9:15pm.
- Class Location: Totally 12 online classes with live teacher
- No programming experience required.
- Device Required: a computer with internet
- For more details and registration: